Is Jordan dangerous?
Is Jordan dangerous? that’s a good question. After all, we still are in the Middle East and this area of the world is certainly not the most stable on Earth, plus all around the small state of Jordan a lot…
Is Jordan dangerous? that’s a good question. After all, we still are in the Middle East and this area of the world is certainly not the most stable on Earth, plus all around the small state of Jordan a lot…
Travel to Petra is certainly of the most amazing thing you can do as a traveler. It’s like a dream travel but with a lot more tourists than you thought. Petra is an incredible place for a lot of different…
Cosa vedere in Giordania? Partiamo da un dato di fatto, tutti dovrebbero fare un viaggio in Giordania. E una volta in Giordania dovrebbero ovviamente andare a Petra, dove non si può prescindere dal citare “Indiana Jones e l’ultima crociata“. Le…